• Wednesday, May 01, 2024


A life without worry

BLISS: Sadhguru

By: JurmoloyaRava


WHEN I first came to the United States, wherever I went, I heard peo­ple talking about stress manage­ment. We manage our families, our money, our property, our businesses – we manage whatever is valuable to us. Why would anyone manage stress? It took me a while to under­stand that people have concluded that stress is an inevitable part of life.

Stress is not a part of life. It is not your lifestyle, work, family or the situ­ations in which you exist that cause stress. It is your inability to manage your system – your body, mind, emo­tions and energy. The cause is your lack of understanding of how this sys­tem functions, your inability to use the system the way it should be used.

People can be stressed in any situa­tion. It is not about this job or that job, it is not about one kind of situation or the other. People are capable of being stressed about just about anything.

What can you do about it? You do not need to do anything about it. Stress is like friction in a machine. Friction occurs either because there is no prop­er movement of the parts or there is not enough lubrication. The less fric­tion you have, the more efficient the machine becomes.

We need not look at how to manage stress or keep it under the surface. We need to look at how not to create it, because stress is your creation. If you start the simple process of Isha Yoga, you will find that within six weeks, the whole system begins to function with a certain ease. You will see that your pulse drops. When the very nature of your existence has become ease, you are restful all the time. Then there is no such thing as stress.

Restfulness is the basis of all activity. You can be most effective in your life only when everything is at complete ease. If your ability to act becomes ef­fortless, then naturally there is no such thing as stress.

If your body and mind took instruc­tions from you, would you create stress for yourself or bliss for yourself? You need to look at the fundamental me­chanics of life, at why your body and mind are not doing what you want.

Isha Yoga is the technology to do this. If you begin a process of yoga, it needs to be in its full depth and di­mension, not just the physicality of it as it is generally practiced today. Peo­ple practice yoga as just a physical or mental exercise. It is neither physical nor mental; it has something to do with the core of your life. If “all of you” is not involved in the yoga you do, if it has not been transmitted to you, if it has just been taught to you as a bundle of instructions and not an initiation, you are using yoga like a car instead of the aeroplane it is.

Suppose I gave you an aeroplane but you knew only automobiles. You would see two ugly things that hit buildings and lampposts protruding from it, so you’d chop off the wings and drive around happily. Likewise, you are hap­py your backache is gone and thyroid problem is fixed but that is very limit­ed, because a man who knows what it means to fly will cry when he sees an aeroplane with its wings chopped off.

Right now, when I see the yoga that is taking place on a large scale, it is tragic. Yoga is not a solution to stress – there is no need for stress. Yoga is the removal of the problem. If you do not create stress, then why do you need a solu­tion? Stress is your making; it is not the situation that is making stress. If you get deeper access to the experience of life within you, you will know this and drop it. This is the essence of Isha Yoga.

Ranked amongst the fifty most influen­tial people in India, Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, visionary and bestselling au­thor. Sadhguru has been conferred the “Padma Vibhushan” by the Govern­ment of India in 2017.


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