• Sunday, May 05, 2024


Best Earrings for Your Face Shape

By: JurmoloyaRava

Round Face

A round face has fuller cheeks and a more circular form than other shapes. People with a round face shape have more surface around the cheeks than the top and bottom of their head. If you are a person with such a facial structure, you need to balance out some of that roundness. Draw attention down by wearing long, dangling, drop earrings, long drop earrings.

Long and Narrow Face

If you have a long, thin face choose earrings that emphasize the width of your face. Studs, clustered earrings, short dangles, hoops in a medium to large size. Round stud earrings, medium to large-sized hoops and short danglers will help highlight the width of your face.


If your forehead is wider than your cheeks, and your face narrows toward your chin? Then you have a heart-shaped face. To create balance and bring attention to the lower part of your face, go for earrings that have a curved triangular shape like a teardrop earring. The wider base of the earring will complement the shape of your face and create balance. 


If you have a face where the width of your forehead, cheeks and jawline are similar, you have a square face. The trick is to pick a pair of earrings that will soften the sharp edges of your face. Go for earrings that are medium to long in length and have rounded edges. Oval shapes, circular earrings and hoops work well too. They will help you show off those defined cheekbones.


If your forehead and chin are almost the same in size and the distinct character of your face is the length, then you have a rectangular face. The key to creating balance is going for broader or wider earrings. You must choose chandeliers or stone studded teardrops that are wider. On the contrary, small pearls and rounded buttons will look terrific on you as well.

Diamond Shape 

Your highlight is your cheekbones. You have a narrow forehead and chin. Angular contouring gives your face a diamond shape. Small hoops, studs and wider teardrops will look good on your face. The earrings that have more width than length will complement your natural face shape better.

Oval face

You are the luckiest one among all. Your forehead not too wide, and the line from your forehead blends with your high cheekbones. You can pull off any earring style. Go crazy with terracotta earrings, studs, danglers, drops, anything you can get your hands on. You just go one and experiment with each and every piece of earpiece around you.


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